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watch Aethon: A Short Silent

Ummm im not sure what to think,
it looks like a version of The Terminator (but then again I couldn't read the subtitles)

2 things I would have changed regarding the filming.....

1) when the actor knocks on the front door, I would of cut to his view before he knocks - you have him knocking in the long shot and then his view of a door....

2) shouldn't he walk back to the light and dissapear? (but with out understanding the words on the screen - he could just be performing the same act over and over)

in regards to the black and white, I personally would have made it darker/less grey what I watched was quite 'dark' subject matter in a very light 'happy' black and white film.

I hope that feedback is welcomed.
Oh, I forgot to say that I added English subtitles on youtube ;)

Thanks for the criticism :) you are right about the black and white. :)

The reason he doesn't go 'into' the lamp, but appears again out of nowhere is to show that it happens again. The same thing happens all over again.