Advice on seeking a producer

Hey! I'm a writer-director in L.A. gearing up to do my first feature film. I have raised the $ to shoot my micro-budgeted project and to pay a producer a modest salary. My producer from previous projects is unavailable to work on this film, so I'm looking for a new producer. I had met my old producer through a craigslist post, so I've tried that again, as well as Mandy, Women in Film and some other film groups. Also been networking among my filmmaking friends.

Just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions on ways to find a good Indie producer? Especially those that are not only good line-producers but have some knowledge of film festivals and the Indie film market. I've already met some good candidates but I'm always open to more input. Especially if anyone can tell me what methods worked for them? The project is a comedy-drama-romance, very indie, festival friendly. Any thoughts? Thanks. :)