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Adobe Soundbooth CS5 - Thoughts?

This happened to come with CS5 and I haven't really looked at it until tonight. It looks kinda' cool, but I haven't used it in battle. What are you folks thinking?
A DAW is a DAW is a DAW. (DAW - Digital Audio Workstation)

Pro Tools is the most used professional DAW because it got there first and so is firmly entrenched. Logic is probably the next most popular professional DAW system. Digital Performer is very popular with the film scoring crowd.

There are dozens more, and they are all doing the same thing - organizing, editing and mixing sound clips. With the advent of VST most plug-ins are cross-platform, both DAWs and PC/Mac, so everyone has access to all of the "really cool toys". You use what you are most comfortable with, or what is most appropriate for your business needs (you can't be a "pro" audio post facility without Pro Tools; your clients expect it, it's the only name they really know). If you like SoundBooth, that's what you should use. Those who use Vegas probably don't know that Vegas started as a DAW program; that's why the audio/MIDI implementation is so good. SoundTrack Pro comes with Final Cut, so many FC users are happy with STP.

As I mentioned in another thread it's not the platform but your knowledge of both the technological aspects and the affect of sound upon an audience that truly makes the difference.