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Action on Film International festival 2006

The Action On Film International Film Festival is showing from 28th to 30th July and numerous indietalk members are having their film screened over the next few days.

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ha there we go. is anybody there yet, or if so, I guess they may not have internet access.
I'm not sure, has it started yet, or tonight, I'll have to check the schedule.
I wonder if anyone in LA is now watching Airport 9/11?

Or what the audience would say afterwards..."ha ha ha Airport 9/11 what a load of crap!"

or perhaps "That was a really cool movie, lets broadcast it on PBS, but where is Eddie Rex?"

I was at another screening of Airport 9/11 last week down in London and i always sink in my seat when its in front of an audience of 100 or so people.

Well i say peace on earth, wind and fire!
wish I could go, sounds like it would be a blast, also to go out for beers with the boys would be fun..

working on a gong show right now and looks like they are going to dook me for pay.. but whats new eh..
