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watch Acting work

I did another scene!
this time it's a scene from 'A Beautiful Mind'.
please take a little time to give some feedback.
thank you so much!
No problem.

Your acting is improving although still needs work. Some more clarity would be nice. Also, there was an IndyMogul video that I watched, and I heard that eating a green apple before dialogue helps get rid of that smacking/clicking sound of lips opening/closing (could be something to try out). Anyway, keep up the good work :)
thank you ChimpPhobiaFilms,

i might start looking into a better microphone that clips onto my shirt. because I have to talk louder for the mic I use now, that might make it hard to understand me ate times. but i did go get a bag of green apples anyway to give that a try :)
what do you think needs the most work when it comes to my acting?
I would actually like to see a little more clarity in your intention in the scene.

Right now, you are concentrating a little too much on showing us the tics and the introversion of the character. You are making the scene too much about you.

What I mean by clarity of intention is, very simply, how do feel about this woman? Do you think she is pretty, do you want to kiss her? Do you think she is smart, or not? When you look at her work that she hands you, take an extra beat to look at it and think about what you see there.

Another way to think of it: Make the scene about HER, not about you, make everything you do about affecting her in some way. When you tell her that the solution is elegant, how do you want that to affect her? Then let us see you looking for that outcome. When you make the jokes about the table for one, what are you trying to do in regards to her? What is the reaction you want to see from her there?

I hope this makes sense.

Break a leg!

BTW: I do agree with ChimpPhobia about the sound issues.
Okay, I'll just comment on "technical" things. You definitely sound like you have dry mouth. Using some lemon juice diluted with water as a mouthwash - and yes, gargle with it - does a great job of getting rid of phlegm. You should also cut down on dairy products. If you have chronic dry mouth something like Biotene does a nice job.

You really need to work on your diction, you sometimes mumble. I run into this problem with singers all the time. When you initially start working your lines you should over-annunciate everything. Really exaggerate your lip and tongue movements. Make sure that you very firmly and precisely hit all of your consonants, especially word endings. When you have it all memorized and are ready to begin working on the emotional content you will naturally relax the over-emphasis and are (hopefully) left with clear speech.

Just for fun you should try tongue twisters - I had a singing coach who insisted on them. You feel really stupid at first, but after a while it becomes a fun party trick, especially if you can pull them off after a few drinks. Here's a few...

Try saying "Toy Boat" five times without screwing up.

Single line tongue twisters must be repeated three times:

"The Big Black Bug Bled Black Blood."

"Red Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers."

"Sheena leads, Sheila needs."

"The sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick."

This one is supposedly impossible to say - it was devised at MIT.

"Those seven silver snakes should step to the side."

A few classics:

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?"

"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
If a woodchuck could chuck wood."

"I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit.
And on a slitted sheet I sit.
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit.
The sheet I slit, that sheet was it."
thank you all so much for the advice! :D
i've been trying all the tongue twisters so i hope that helps.
its probably a problem with my way of speech and not the mic, but I will be looking into fixing the audio as much as I can.
Ahennessey, do you mean more response to whats going on, and not just how and what I say?
its incredibly difficult acting in my room with no other people, but if i can be amazing at this then acting in a film should be easy enough, right??

once again thank you all so much, its amazing having a community like this.
thank you all for your time too.
Hi Jordenzarka,

Yes. You will see the difference immediately once you focus on the other person. You have the mannerisms down well enough, but ,at times, I felt like you were trying to imitate Russel Crowe, more than be this character in this situation.

Best of luck!
i use a Canon 7D and i haven't been updating the software :( oops..
but i updated it today and some of the stuff in that update fixed audio problems :)
im still working on the tongue twisters, but the new software did get ride of the static and it sounds a lot clearer!