ACE Film Festival - Call For Entries 2008

Hello loyal filmmakers and fans! ACE Fest 2007 was a huge success and we want to thank everyone who attended, submitted and helped pull together one of the most anticipated events on the industry calendar. Be sure to check out the festival wrap-up in the next issue of MovieMaker Magazine.

For those of you gearing up for the 2008 festival circuit already, our submission period (extended by popular demand) will be January 7 - May 9, 2008. Remember, this is an incredible opportunity for you to screen your work in the heart of New York City to a massive audience of peers, moviegoers and industry players. You can enter your film or video via or mail-in form. Join the ACE Fest Mailing List for updates on judges, venues and festival details. Best of luck to everybody in their ventures next year!
Celebrating the American Cinematic Experience