Academy Award® Winner Director Louie Psihoyos Interview on Momentum about the making of The Cove.
Read how Louie Psihoyos filmed the OSCAR® Awarded Best Documentary of 2009,
the gear he used, his opinion on HDSLR filmmaking, his next film and more.
HINT: He is using a 5DmkII on his next film.
Technical Interview on Momentum
As mentioned by IMDb | Cinematical | SlashFilm | Discovery's TreeHugger | AOL News |
The Huffington Post | KillerFilm | FilmCrave | Ecorazzi | Chud | MNN | OPS and more
Read how Louie Psihoyos filmed the OSCAR® Awarded Best Documentary of 2009,
the gear he used, his opinion on HDSLR filmmaking, his next film and more.
HINT: He is using a 5DmkII on his next film.
Technical Interview on Momentum
As mentioned by IMDb | Cinematical | SlashFilm | Discovery's TreeHugger | AOL News |
The Huffington Post | KillerFilm | FilmCrave | Ecorazzi | Chud | MNN | OPS and more