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I'd really like to take a look at the porkys script! Great short film, funny to the point and not too long.

Derek Rimelspach
sonnyboo said:
I think the conviction of the actor is what makes this poignant.

Exactly. A lesson in actor conviction. For the first 10 seconds, I'm wondering what exactly this is about, and then witnessing his conviction throughout the rest, especially the scene where he is behind the guy walking across the street, I realize this is real and this guy really is having fun in his spare time like this (fun or demented, you choose). Also, I really like ending the piece with him solo with the statue, kind of a closing shot that says this guy is really serious about this and doing it.
Just got around to seeing this. Very funny and yes that is kinda what us directors do sometimes. Opps... :oops: did I just say that outloud?
Very nice job guys! Very witty script. =D>