A passion for creation

Hey guys,

I am from India and I love watching movies, discussing them, dissecting them. I love reading novels and playing computer games as well. I have developed two movies previously and both are for Indian audience but I would be really glad to show you guys the trailers of the movies I made. I hope to enter the film making arena, I even have an unsuccessful Indiegogo campaign going on for funding my new web series for which I have been developing the script for over a year now.

Check out the trailers of the movies I made so far and tell me what you think!

Hostel Myths - A Horror Drama which was screened in front of an audience of 400 in our university auditorium. It was an awesome experience.


The Contingency - Its a short film made in a very short time span of a week (including script writing to post production) It won the 2nd place at Phoenix Film Festival.


I would love to share my opinion and get others opinion on my works. I hope to be an active part of this forum of fellow independent film makers.

Glad to be here.

Kind Regards,
Rahul Meena