archived-videos A Joker's Card BTS

Anyone who had watched A Joker's Card would probably be appreciative of what went to make it happen, here's a link to Myspace (sorry, not a direct link) of 4 videos embeded there on this page:

First is the trailer, 2nd is the gallery, 3rd is the BTS, and 4th is the bloopers

These were part of the DVD compilation, so here's for those interested in these. You'll notice some of the clips on how we did the wire-work, others you would recognize the people being interviewed.



PS: A Joker's Card is a parody fan film based on the DC Universe, when I first decided to make this short film, I realized making an actual Batman film wouldn't help me much in terms of promoting the film (because of it's limited venue that can play, even conventions that are very good friends with WB would not show any fan films of DC/WB), so I went with the parody route, and at the same time, decided to create a world of 'what if scenario: Joker's son, who always want to be normal, Robin's son, who is gay and into S&M (poking fun of the history of Batman/Robin), Wonder Woman's daughter, a 300lbs woman that can fly, Poison Ivy's daughter, who is a dominatrix and loves to talk, and then there's Mr. Freeze's son, who wants to become evil like his dad so he runs the Asylum. (these characters have their 'back story' that was never explained because it would make this short film into a feature). Each of these characters are much in reality how, if they have kids are are like that, how they would act, Fries would be cold, and subtle. Napier is too eager and rushing things, no patient. Ellen, just herself, a sort of a gypsy lady... Dana is just love to talk... The combination of them makes it fun, and for 4 days of cold and dust and tight schedule, we pulled it off: working with 2 unites simultaneously.
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hey Johnny,

Great stuff! I liked how you incorporated the storyboards into the music video. Its always fun to see storyboard comparisons to the finished product. Also, the blooper reel had great moments. It looked like you guys definitely had a fun with this project!

Thanks John, you can download the entire storyboard (I think) at the site under media. The short film from script to video is very close to each other, except for shots we can't possible do but other than that it worked well. We tried to have some fun when we shoot, one area that we didn't taped, is when all the cast, while waiting for their scenes, decided to do the full monty song downstair, I heard it was hilarious... Sadly it wasn't on tape. :(