Congrats on the first script. As you have probably figured it out it is far from an easy task.
But practise makes perfect!
I am just going to throw some ideas:
Try to use shorter descriptions of actions. Forget the "we see",I know it seems like there is no other way to say it,but there is.

The above poster did quite well in changing the formatting,wording. I am going to stick to the minimalistic structure of screenplay and just analyse the first scene. You can add all the fancy words on top of this skeleton.
"THOMAS gets up from his seat and is holding on tight to
the ceiling rails of a bus. The bus is turning a corner as
THOMAS checks his phone. He looks unnerved.
WE see the bus stopping, THOMAS gets off. "
THOMAS gets up from his seat. Bus turns.
Thomas stumbles and (tightly) grabs the ceiling rail.
He checks his phone.
Bus stops. Thomas gets off.
Do you see how crispy it became?
Now,the main problem is not the wording or formatting,but the aim of the scene.
What is the purpose of all those actions?
As a novice screenwriter myself I tend to focus on actions or story,rather than characters. But characters are fundamental.
What do we know about this Thomas after the scene?
0. Nothing. That scene doesn't drive the story and doesn't describe character.
If instead of Thomas you put a doll it would be exactly the same scene. If you delete the scene I doubt your screenplay will fall apart.
What is the best way to create a character? Conflict!
Who is Thomas? What is his goal? What is he afraid of?
Take a look at this:
Insanely loud oldschool hiphop beat is pumping from the speakers.
Thomas (17,traditional hiphop outfit) with boombox on his shoulder bops his head to the beat.
What do you know about Thomas know? Do you see the conflict? Do you see how many ways can this story go already?
i.e 3 18 year old bullies enter the bus on the stop,Thomas turns off the music and tries to hide.
or someone asks him to turn the music down and he ignores them
You can show annoyed passengers etc. etc.
Know your characters!
Know what you want to show!
Create conflict and and put your character in it.
Show reactions.