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watch A 365 Project

Hello. I am currently undergoing a year long experiment to film my life for a year. So far I have been at this for 66 days. I know this probably does not come into the realms of film but I am a film maker the Vblog is to get me more into film making as I have fallen out of love with it this past year or so. I would really appreciate any support or criticisms you guys could give?


Day 1

You have a terrific plan my man, and I will definitely give you some tips that I think might help you out.

Since you're doing a film every day, it would be cool if every day you practiced emphasizing a different technique in filming/editing/sound/etc.. This could be anything from specialization in tracking on one video, to the next day where you would focus solely on putting together very impressive sound, then the next day really getting into working on transition, then next day could be emphasizing on making impressive cuts.

The best way I'm guessing to be able to connect to your work is to let each video literally reflect and truly show what technique you are trying to emphasize without pointing it out, then asking your viewers what they think you were trying to really work at. See if they can notice it, if they can then you know you did a good job, especially if you get good compliments about it!

For your first video, I watched it and I actually like your cuts already! haha I can tell you've got something in you my man!

Hope it helps you out!
Happy filmmaking!