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5th Zeitgeist Int'l Film Fest Call for Entries

Zeitgeist International Film Festival 2003
Entry Deadline postmarked by May 16, 2003.
Show dates: June 9, July 14, and Aug 11, 2003. (Three different programs.)

Tired of paying to submit your work? We have no submission fee because we just don’t believe in a “pay to play” system. Our goal is to promote independent filmmaking/viewing. ZIFF 2003 is an irreverent film/video series in it’s FIFTH year, held in San Francisco in the backyard of a bar called Zeitgeist (seats 300).
We seek short films/videos (under 15 minutes) completed in any year in any category or genre that will hold the attention of enthusiastic bar patrons.

Formats: 16mm, vhs, mini-dv, DVD. Preview on VHS (ntsc).
Entry forms and information: www.overcookedcinema.com
B Berzins at ikooking@yahoo.com