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watch 48 Hour Film Festival entry

Hey everyone, in NZ we have our own 48 Hour Film competition where, as the name suggests, we are given 48 hours to create a short film from scratch. It was our team's first year entering the competition and it's been going for nearly a decade now. Not only that, but it was virtually one of the first attempts that any of us have made in making anything at all, that said we were all pretty chuffed with the result.

The random elements our team was given that we had to include were: a character - Sidney Manson, a Fabricator; a prop - broken toy; a line - "when you look at it that way"; and a shot - dolly zoom. The genre that we had to make our film in was Sexual Education video.

So with the introduction out of the way, here is the link to watch it online:


Please watch it, and any feedback would be great! :)
Oh, and I'm not sure what the usual pratice is on this forum, but it maaaay contain offensive material, depending on what you find offensive. I dunno. You've been warned :P
Nice work NITRO, good luck with the view count!

hehehe one of us should get there. I've just having fun getting people to see what we've all done. The great this about 48hours is that everyone is in it for the process - the prizes are nice if you get there but it's not the main thing.