archived-videos 48 Hour entry from Y.A.F.I.:Underground

I loved it, Mr. Knightly. Great job; especially for a 48 hour project. You had some really challenging dialog. You did not make it easy for your actors. The lighting and image quality were great. I didn't notice any problems with audio.

We have a heavy stage contingent... They are used to using tons of dialog to carry a piece. I'm working them out of it slowly ;) Our lead writer Martin is really good, but is wrapping his head around the show don't tell writing philosophy. We end up with dialog heavy first drafts that we then read through and cut out 1/3 to 1/2 of the dialog replacing it with glances and reactions.

A couple of the actors were first time on camera folks with lots of stage experience, I spent some time getting them to dial their performances down a bit, they're much more used to delivering to the back row. It's fun to work with folks who take direction well though, makes it so the editing goes easier... you get just what you need from them, different levels and pacings. We probably only spend about 6 hours shooting the thing and 2-3 hours driving from place to place. I have some BTS photos taken by one of our new YAFI folks, Gabriel: