3D for Ad

Hi, i'm not a film maker, or film student.

I work in marketing, and am currently doing pro bono work for a charity organization. They treat eye patients for free and even perform eye surgery free of charge to lower income patients.

We had an idea for an ad that would appear in local Movie Theaters, but we are wondering if it is at all possible. So i've been looking on the web for film making message boards until I ran into this one.

The idea is to have during the trailers of a 3D movie a scene in a donation request ad, that can only be viewed with the 3d glasses, but we wanted the image when you take the glasses off to be as convoluted as possible, it doesn't have to have any 3d effects at all, but instead just make it so the picture would only be clear and readable with the glasses on.

Is it possible to achieve this effect in any way at all?

I have absolutely no knowledge of how 3d glasses work, I need to know if this is possible so I can find the right people to make it happen.

Hope anyone can help me out with any information at all..

Thank you very much!
Walk into a cinema that's showing a 3d movie. When there's a 3d part, take off your glasses. You'll find it's already convoluted. It's just a mess as it is.

If that isn't convoluted enough, it isn't going to happen.
How the 3D effect works is by showing two slightly different images in both eyes for the brain to perceive depth and add that 3d effect. What the glasses do is only show one of the images to each of your eyes. Now to try and answer your question, no I do not think it is possibly to have it unable to read without the glasses on. Because the glasses use the two images and they would have to be in focus/readable for the 3d to work. Sure it is a mess to look at without the glasses but you would still be able to see the images. I'm no 3d expert, so if someone else says it might be possibly it might; but from my understanding it would not be possible.
our question was if it was possible to make it more aggressive...

Well yes it is possible, though it'll push the 3d version out by approximately the same amount. There may be some mathematical formula to be used that allows what you're talking, though it's well beyond my knowledge to whether it's possible. To my knowledge, it isn't.