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3/4 done, no motivation to finish

EDIT: just sucking it up and being a professional. ten espresso shot/sleep deprived me likes to complain
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I'm not looking for "just suck it up and be a professional" because that's the obvious play here.

Just suck it up and be a professional.:D


You've already stated why you are not motivated.

I have never shot a music video in which the band was actually playing their instruments because I find those types of music videos to be boring... these guys insisted that they wanted to showcase their playing style, having the "story" part of the video play a (VERY small) secondary role.

There can be a quite be number of reasons for your lack of motivation.

- You've already talked yourself into not liking the gig; you are just doing it for the money. It's a bad way to think. The "professional" approach is to say "I've never done anything like this; what can I learn?" (BTW, when I started out as a musician I never saw myself playing "oldies," which is what I finally had the most success with.)

- You have bad source material.

- You have the wrong mental approach.

- You have the wrong technical approach.

- You had a lousy shoot, and the feeling is holding over.

And there are many more possibilities.

Put together a quick but passable edit and have someone else do a full critique. I'm always glad of outside ears and collaboration. I'm good, and I'm smart, and I'm talented. But there's always someone better, smarter and more talented. Besides that, just the alternative viewpoint - if you are willing to listen to it and willing to absorb it - can provide alternative approaches or ways of thinking.
You might not be cut out for the business. The film business is not all glamour. Sitting in a dark room at the editing bay unmotivated is oft-times the most brutal part of the business.

In this case however, you're getting paid. You really have to suck it up.

Here's a suggestion -- make two versions -- their version, and your version. Then take their money and move on.