28 Days Later

What did you think of [i]28 Days Later[/i]?

  • Zombietastic!!!

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  • Could've been better.

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  • I no likey this movie!

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  • I don't like Sandra Bullock.

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Anyone see this one over the weekend?

I'm interested to see what others thought of the DV work and how it came across on the big screen.

Personally, I was very excited walking out of the theater. If this movie does well (which I anticipate it will), it might just give DV that ultimate jump it needed.

Loved it. Thought it was great, and the cinematography was awesome. Some of the shots were truly amazing, especially the sequences in the rain. Looked great. Let's hear it for DV!

- Mike.

The one shot of them coming toward the gate in the taxi as we move past the barbed wire with the lightning flasshing was glorious.

My favorite shot was the dolly when they were tied to the radiator in the basement. It just fit so perfectly with the dialogue.

I also liked the use of reflections, like the scene where they walk up to the tanker truck.

- Mike.
spite said:
Loved it. Thought it was great, and the cinematography was awesome. Some of the shots were truly amazing, especially the sequences in the rain. Looked great. Let's hear it for DV!

- Mike.

Following you on the boards on this one.

Technically, yes, a really fine work. However, the story lacked just a bit for me.

I actually saw the movie two months ago and have a copy of it now and I told a lot of my friends how awesome it was.
I'm very pleased to know that the original format was DV and transferred to 35 it looks good.
Plus I like the way the movement is just a little choppy when needed not too much.
I would compared it to House of 1000's corpes because it has that old
late 70's early 80's style of the way of shot horror movies back then.
But anyway two thumbs up for it.
I hope I'm next in line once my new Vampire movie "Bloodliners"is done
next month.
We put a lot of work into this production even shot some scenes at a 600
year old castle in Northern France 6 months ago.
And brought in some martial arts fighting champions as well as professional wrestlers from the old ECW.
So I'm crossing my fingers that it does well.

Is your Bloodliners shot on DV?

I think the creapiest shot was the shot of the infected's shadows coming along down the tunnel. And the way they shot and edited the infected's movements. I read an article that said that all of that was in camera tricks and editing, no CGI. Very cool.

The story had a very Kubrickian feel to me. There was a definite first, second, and third act. And just when you thought you figured out what the main story was, it switched on you. Fer instance:

1st 45 minutes - A horrific apocalyptic tale ...

2nd 45 minutes - ... A road movie ...

3rd 45 minutes - ... A morality tale.

I loved that about the story. I do wish they wouldn't market it as a straight horror film, though. It's so much more than that.

I agree, Poke. And I'll have to disagree with my buddy Martay. I thought the story was very solid throughout. I noticed the definite shift in the thirds of the film. It was almost subtle, so you didn't realize it right away.

I loved that tunnel shot, too, Poke. And I can't forget about the shots in the church, especially the high-angle one with the cross in the foreground.

The more I think about it, the more I love this movie.

And you're right, they did market it wrong, in my opinion. The ads kept touting it as being "scary as hell," but it's NOT that type of movie.

- Mike.
Loved it.

I forgot about the high angle cross shot. Also another good one. When you mentioned the church, I immediately thought of how the infected looked at him when he yelled out for someone. I can't really describe the look, it's somewhere between wide eyed surprise and wide eyed hunger. It was creepy.


I kept waiting for more.
I agree with the post about it being 3 different movies~
Indeed the open mouths were frightening~
To me, that was one of the only really bizarre/scary moments
everything else seemed, was a little confused about what it was trying to pitch Morality? Mankind’s self degenerative nature? The occasional valium pill? Exactly how does watching violence on TV make you an infected monkey? I don't know, I don't think it was what I thought it was going to be. I was tricked! I wanted a suspenseful horror film and I got something else. There's great things about it, but all in all, I was kind of down afterwards.
We, good sir, are in agreement!

I think people who were walking in not knowing that it was shot on DV were very confused. I agree that that really helped most of the audience get into it.
