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press-release 2022 Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition UPDATE

2022 Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition has announced their Quarterfinalists
The TOP 100 will be announced on August 4th.

2 Milligrams by Gordon James Astis

2025 by Michael Skidmore

2088: A Farmer Takes a Wife by Russell Bennett

2nd Date by Jaik Andino

A Bad Influence by Yul-Pyeong Oh

A Common Divide by TJ McDevitt

A Fire Inside by Richard Martin

A Madman Cometh by Fitzhugh G. Houston

A Nasty Habit by Sadie Fearon

A Player Born by Kirby Ward

A Red Shirt by David Angelelli

A Rock and a Hard Place by Darryl Wimberley

A Whole Lotta Coin by Tracy Schumer

About Tonight by Azan Kung

American Daydream by Jim Grieco

Another 5 Minutes by Nilesh Yagnik

Apples by Rodolfo Salas

Army Brat by Julie Anbarchian

Arthur’s Yearbook by Jim Norman

Ask Already by Sandra Lince

Bad Vibes by Cynthia Mersten

Believeland by Kevin Hulick

Best Served Cold by Bill Crossland

Biker by R. E. Perry

Bitter Child by Arthur Vincie

Black Eyes by Allan Tamshen

Blood Chains by Michael Sinoway

Bloodlines by Eddie Clay Thompkins III

Bone Moon by Elizabeth J. Musgrave

Boomtown Tragedy by Jimmy Corinis

Boyhood Inerrupted by Michael Maitland

Broken Grounds by Reid Brooks

But A Dwarf Man…by Argona Dzekotelli

By Design by Pat Bradley

By the Time I Got to Woodstock by Jeffrey Massie

Cam Girls by Virginia Hendry

Capture the Flag by Maitelitana Guadondita

Caravaggio by Alex Wilson

Caspian Gull by Iain Anderson

Cat Killers by Phil Atlakson

Cheviot Beach by Tim Randall

Chicago Candy by Alex Diamond

Chivalry by George Alexanian

Christmas Cuff by Sumona Roy

Christmas in Cryonis by Molly Bandt

Cicero’s Ghost by Salim Salajee

Code 10 by Matthew Margo

Combustion by Craig Oliver

Come Back King by N. Fituri Scown

Comedy Eyes by Jeff Blum & T.C. DeWitt

Complicity by Justine Raczkiewicz & Aleksandra Rychlicka

Conference of the Gods by Harry Kelley

Coppelia by Don Shroll

Cradle by Mehul Desai

Curse of the Canaanities by H.G. Middlemass

Damned Troublemakers by Ty Bradford

Darcy & Paige by Michelle Walson

Dead Man’s Hand by Austin Ellsworth

Death Steppe by Judy Bruce

Death, Ghosts & Other Stuff by Shannon Walsh & Jack Gorman

Delta by Daniel Corey

Devil’s Night by Mike Voltz

Domain by Sam Bass

Don’t Wake Up by Neil Oxenburg

Engaged by Christopher Dauers

Estrada’s Gold by Durk Duerksen

Ever Waking by Akevo Jeremy Jenkins

Extended Family by Rick Jones

Eyeful by Howard Fridkin

Feather Light by Anna Chaoqun Wang

Finding Natalie by Ben Raper

Fisticuffs by Rich Gallagher

Future Tripping by Brian Gene White

Gender Perfect by Brian Wapole

Ghost Boy by James DeLorean

Ghost Machine by Sam Ingraffia

Glow Stick by Michael Raymond

God Laughs by Timothy Ryan

Golden Glow Circus by Barry Sherman

Grandma is a Dinosaur by Dominic Laiti

Great American Highway by Zoey Towner

Green Bloods by Kevin Percival

Gym Rats by Howard Harband

Half a Life by JT David

Halo & Horns by Matthew Tolbert

Hand Twins by Macee Binns

Harry and the Sleigh by Carlton Welch

He Had it Coming by Camika Spencer

Heart in the Game by Nancy Wilkinson

Heartbreak Hotel by Michael Holliday

Helen Would Like a Word by Sandy Fugate

Hidden Camera by Dion Sampson & Christopher Owens

High School Lullaby by Dave Stishan

High Sierra by Kathryn Cehrs

Holly by Jeff Williams

Home of the Devils by Steven D’Addieco

Hoops by Jeremy Fairman

House Zero by John Pallas

How He Shimmers by Starr Plemons

How To Make a Gangster Movie by Lonnie Ray Atkinson

Hurricane Party! by Frank Volk

Imperfect Strangers by Robin Gainey

In Our Best Interest by Phil Alloco

In The Eye of the Storm by W. A. Young, Jr.

Inevitable Cruelty by Emma Hicklin

Infinity Club by Matt Alexander & Myles Rigg

Irish Rose by Paulette Bane & Charles Bane

It’s All Local by Michael Casey

Jane Doe & The Stag by Bryce Breen

Janus by Libby Adam

Kidnapping Mindy Kaling by Randi Barnes

Killer by Joe Villanti

King of Carnival Island by Wayne Ramlogan

Kiss Away by Michael Kallal

Kosovo by Timothy Guay

KTown by Jeff Jin-Hwan Galatowitsch

Land of the Free by Cody Beavers

Le Streghe by David Addona

Let Me Out! By Yasmin Asias

Level Up by Jason Skorski

Liz Goes Home by Jack Williams

Long Road Home by Ron Praymak

Loss by Brian Beatty

Lost in Control by Maria Massei-Rosato

Love Heals by Paul Ware

Lucky Us by Mike O’Brien

Madame by Julian Hooper

Madeleine by Natalie Howard

Magma Mining by William Bartholomew Hall

Main Drag by Ryan Thorsen

Mamacita by Bruce Dundore

Marathon Bride by Kate McCreary

Marcel by David Soll

Marlboro Men by T. Camponeschi

Masque of Honor by Shep Morgan

Meet & Greed by Miriam Pinedo

Midnight Dawn by Paul Levine

Mileva by Rudolf Zaras

Millions in Manila by Jeffrey Milne

Mimic by Angel Carr

Mina Marcy by Ruby Grais

Mister by A.M. Wallace

Model Minority by Allan Tsao

Monarchs by Gregory Sarno

Mongrel by Nathan Alan Bunker

Mr. Barnstable and the Time Machine by Michael Tracy

Mr. Sparkle & Shine by Brian Blotner

Murdoch’s Law by Frank Terwilliger

Muse by Steve Bennedik

My Brother’s Keeper by Michael Buzzelli

My Dreams of You by Gary Templeton

My Sister is of Fire by Carly Scanlon

My Villa in Calabria by Paul Vincent

Myall by Vaughn Roste

Myrtle Corner by Carl Duerksen

Mysterious Ways by Bryan Cobbs

Myth of the Minarka by Chris Nunnally

Naïve by Gill Hagan

Nando’s Legacy Faire by Davida Lippman

Nemesis by Gino L. Jones

Next Time We Meet by Robert Gokay

Nivek by Kevin Luna

No Biscuits in Heaven by Ruth Finnegan

No Matter What Forever by Terry Hensley

Nod by John Palfery-Smith

Not in the Stars by Sandford Galden-Stone

Nowhere Man by Gary Moon Fong

Nuclear Refugees by Tanya Ishikawa

Obe by Mary Augustosky

Odd Son by Nigel Simms

Of Man and God by George Leos

Olympians! by Esteban Malave & Charles Moore

Omenize by Bill Kersit

On The Hop by Doug Krintzman

On the Row by Steve Kronovet

One More Hit by Brad Max

One Wave at a Time by G. B. Katich

Only You by Glenn Millican

Operation Sea Devils by Nancy Wilkinson

Optimality by Michael Molla

Organ Donor by Rustin Jarrell

Oscared ’24 by Slava Babenkov

Oumuamua by Gabor Szigel

Out of the Shadows by Jeff Rosenberg

Payback by Niven Kruidhof

Peculiar Bedfellows by Kenya Branch

Percy and the Knights of the Round Table by Dennis Luu

Perfect Misfits by Beverly Nault

Personal Trainer by Nicholas Bell

Pet Earthling by David Hundsness

Petal Picker by Teja Rose

Petite Warrior by Ashok Ambardekar

Pirahua by Jim Findlay & Jay Schober

Place of the Dead by Samantha Talley

Plague of Red by Clare Reader Collins

Plainclothes by Carmen Emmi

Plane Man by Jean Marie Cinotto

Plume Raiders by Jeff Zampino

Pop by James Pillion

Portal 40 by Jamie Wingler

Post Adolescence by Patrick Blair

Press One to Connect by Stewart Katz

Prey With Me by Eric Irizarry

Propensity for Violence by Laura Kirk

Purple by Nathaniel Scott

Qubit by Darren Moran

Rain by John Rivera

Raising Sand by Kenneth Collins

Rascal on the Run by Joni Rodgers

Raymond by Robert Lynch

Ready..Aim..Smile! by Scott Liapis

Rebecca and the Stellar Gatekeeper by Donna Smith

Red Roses in the Afternoon by Kristina Wierzbowski

Red Velvet Red Velvet by Paul Lucia

Remember Who Your Friend Are by Jim McQuaid

Reno Drifters by Graham Lee

Reprise by Carlos Pleitez

Retirement Plan by B. Daniel Martinez

Retro by Aaron Lindenthaler

Return of Blackbeard by Douglas MacLeod

Reverse the Curse by Patrick Caulfield

Rhythm in Blues by Tamika R. Guishard

Ritchie Boy by Alan J. Field

River City by Patricia Walsh

Roamers by Constance Hasapopoulos

Robin’s Hood by Gabriella Bedsworth

Rodeo by Lynn Elliott

Rope by Richard Turgeon

Rough Point by Louis Lehrman

Rumor Mill by Mark J. Martinez

Run to Daylight by Luis Fernando Llosa & Mark David Young

Sacred Shapes by Anastasia le Gendre & Christian Kelly Sordelet

Safeword by Glenn Millican

Sage by Kenny Rich

Santiago’s Prayer by Ed Johnson

Savage Idol by Brandon Schneider

Save the Night by Aaron Bradley

Save the Uyghurs by Josh C. Manheimer

Saving Charles Dickens by M. F. Myers

Saving Cinderella by Melinda Saranchock

Scandal by Raj Sangha

Scarlet Day by Justin Biel & Brough Hansen

Scary by Ton Eijkemans

Scathe: The Future by Jason Acevedo

Scene of the Crime by Rich Rubin

Schwinn Varsity by Andrew G. Smith & R. A. Eschenroeder

Sea-Gen by Paul Lind

Season of Day by Sarah Licavoli-DePalo

Secrets of Night Swimming by Maria Toce

Seeds by Joel M. Lesko

Sestra 1 by Ali Jordan

Shadows of Death by Luke Coles

Shards of a Stranger by Frederic Marsanne

Shark by Dawson Oso

Shiner! By Kevin Pacey

Shiver Me Timbers by Dennis White

Shoulda Swiped Left by Michael Dugan

Shouldn’t Have Done That by B. Daniel Martinez

Show Me Your Teeth by Scott Liapis

Show Your Work by Andre Thierry

Silent Hope by Tyler Tremblay

Silent Transmission by Tom Claspill

Six Rooms by Mark Graham

Skyler and the Magic Marker by Nicholas Westfall

Slaughterhouse by Mike Worby

Small Sacrifices by Rhonda Burnaugh

Smile for the Cameras by Michael Boaks

Smoke on the Water by Margaret Newlin Rice

Snuff by Doug Raiden

Sofia & Samir by Jane Olander

Soldier On by Aylin Sipahi

Soledad by John Lange

Something for Dr. Thode by Bill Birney

Sonny by Patrick Garden

Sovereign Betrayal in El Corazon, Texas by Molly Higgins

Space Girl Blues by Bruce Pavalon

Special by Nicole Sacker

Sphere by Michael Kenner

Splatters by Adam Lemmey

Squiggly, The Acrobatic Sperm by Tim Rosenow

St. Patrick’s Day by Patrick Caulfield

Star and the Crescent Moon by Parviz Saghizadeh

Stark & Rogers: Red Skull and the Byzantium Pearl by Paris Tosen

Starlite by Eric Dietz

Stay at Home by Kelly Cameron

Stealing Freedom by Scott Winfield Sublett

Stones of Fire by Alfred Dunham

Sugar Cookie Christmas by Heather Wright

Surfridge by Craig Clyde & Dana Wall

Surrogates by Mike Bevins

Sweet Caroline by Ty Strange

Sweet Child of Mine by Robbie Robertson

Sweet Lou McGinnty by Kevin Lance Bash

Sweet Thing by Lexi Savoy

Swordfingers by Anna Maria Torelli

Take My Wife, Please by Steve Feld

Takedown by Mark Cooper

Teach Me Chablis by D. Kline

The 30 Minute Man by Phillip Aaron & Sam Levine

The 49th Day by Craig Peters

The Apology by Candace Kimeer

The Arc by Frederic Marsanne

The Art of Deception by Deni Carson

The Art of Fence Walking by Christina Terzian

The Art of Peace by PJ Lewis

The Battle of Evermore by Bill Burton

The Blue Miracle by George Kovic

The Chaperone by Jonathan Todd Ross

The Chosen Ones by Andrew Uscher & Joel Stunkard

The Chronicles of Wan by Adrian J. Williams & Justine Joanne Williams

The Colt Murder by David Vaughn

The Combination by Brian Newton Fuller

The Comeback by Maurice Hicks

The Commodity by William Costanza

The Cookie Lady by P.K. Silverson

The Cyber Seducer by Arnold Hannons

The Death of Me! By Debra Jarvis

The Demon of Debuque by Samuel Hughes

The Divided Heart by Stewart Lindh

The Donnellys of Biddulph Township by Roger Lee Westry

The End of May by Kem Richards & Freddie Grant

The Far Corner by Dawn Greenfield Ireland

The Film Professor Who Kills Students for Fame and Healthcare by Greg Benevent

The Final Cut by Giuseppe Cocca

The Future by Randy Yang

The Giant Light by Meghan Reilly

The Grave Digger by AJ Eversley

The Great Perhaps by Christine Vartoughian

The Hand You’re Dealt by Harry Longstreet

The Harvester by Mark Grossardt

The Ice Pact by Christian Zur

The Immortal Bledsoes by Andrew Johnson

The Infamous Patriot by Jay Natelle

The Key of Be by Richard Kenney

The Kez by Mark Lichtenstein

The Kitty Revolution by Peter Witts

The Land I Walk by Sam M. Duane

The Land of Dodonia by Allen O’Reilly

The Land of Honey by Dylan Koller

The Land of Smiles by Joe Ward

The Last Man by Jason Morrys

The Last Santa by Michael Rhodes

The Losers by Allan Ignaczak

The Macedonian Trapeze Artist by Lyle Deixler

The Magistrates in the Bloody Brothel by Jake Oelman

The Man by Carla Queipo

The Man Doctrine by Christopher Prince

The Man on the Hill by Jack Balta

The Memories of Fall by Santino Brancato

The Misadventures of Vince & Hick by Heston Horwin

The Miss Stone Affair by Darko Mitrevski

The Missing Link by Mark Mc Quown

The Mona Lisa Project by Andrew Uscher & Joel Stunkard

The Moon Child by Tammy Olsen

The Music We Once Shared by Harrison Fowler

The Narcissist by CK Eastman

The Nest by Aaron Carter

The Other Family by Phil Mell & Casandra Wasaff

The Outspoken Genuis by Robert T. Roe

The Path by David Santiago

The Phantom Forever by Ben Bushell

The Pit and the Pendulum by Andrei Burke

The Pizza Palace by Carlos Franco

The Pond by Edwin Turner

The Psychedelic Fist by Nicholas Sennott

The Psycho Psychic by Dayton Rodgers

The Purple Heart Battalion by Steve Migdol

The Queen of Scars by Christopher Baldwin

The Reluctant First Gentleman by Curt Samlaska

The Revelation by Alejandro Levy

The Richest Woman in America by Bill McGough

The Scenic Route by Glenn Pulliam

The Shadow of Dharma by Mark Perlick

The Shroud Trinity by Frank McEvoy

The Silver Cup by D.A. Stenard & Dan Fitzpatrick

The Sixth Kind by Roman Wisnowski

The Social by Benjamin Cyrus-Clark

The Solomon Incident by Scott Allen

The Soul Conjecture by John Head

The Story Maker: Book of Trinum by Christopher Orr

The Thin Veil by Kim Purcell-Shipman

The Town that Lost Christmas by Dawn Coleman

The Twelve Brothers by Jacqueline & Rachael Blackwell

The Voice on the Water by Sara Robin

The Voices Within by Lemuel James

The Washington Triangle by Kilo Alexander & William Hilton

The Woman With No Name by Jesse Sherwood

Three Steps from the Edge by Hadj Gill

Thrill House by Jon Ellison

Ties That Bind by Jesse Allis

Time Zero by Carlo & Erin Carere

Tituba by Ronald Ecker

To Kill Your Friends by Roberto Carmona

Torpedo Run by Farrin Rosenthal

Travisville by Vince Mazzara

Treasure from Thirteen Heavens by Joseph Martarella

Treasure Hunters Club by Ken Floyd

Triplicity by Audrey Pfister

Trollstigen by Ruben Estremera & Gregory Wolk

Trouble on the Way by Joe Amato & Kass Fleisher

Turkeys in the Rain by Rhoda Fairman

Turquoise Mountain by Diane Joy Schmidt

Unbreak My Heart by Christie Allen & Patty Carey

Uncontacted by Jacob Levy

Underwater by J. G. Cheim

Unhinged by Patrick Brown

Unsatisfied by Evan Greenberg

Unspeakable by Jan Welt

Upline by Abby Cohen

Vasily Arkhipov by Dean Jaloudi

Voided by Ntando Ndlovu

Wayward by Jes Sugrue

Wayward by Linda Palmer & Laree’ Griffith

We Called Him Beethoven by Bob Brennan

Wee Wee by Chris Rosser

Welcome to the Orpheum by Tim O’Brien

Wenches by Amy Newman

Wernher by Jason & Kevin Ward

What Happened? by Alan Fischer & Todd Fischer

What Have We Done? By Jack Balta

What’s Mine is Mine by David Elmy & Max Schuster

When It Rains by Joseph Velazquez

White Out by Brandon Bacall Tehrani

Who Killed Zebedee? By Wilkie Collins

Willow Dale by Maceo Greenberg

Witch Hunt by Valerie Burnham

Witch’s Coin by Vladimir Morozov

Worst Fears by Bryan Bakker

Wrecker by Jack Hilkewich

Yellow Jacket by James Croteau

You Gotta Touch the Dead by Ivan Scandola

Youth Eternal by Anthony Vivian

Yuanfen by Lynn Mills & Briana London

Zero Time by Danny Flynn

Zoo Keeper Trials by Teresa Skaggs