2005 DepicT! Competition Nominees Announced

2005 DepicT! Competition Nominees Announced!

DepicT! - the short film competition, which challenges budding filmmakers from around the world to make mini-masterpieces of under 90 seconds – has whittled down a record number of 320 entries to a short list of ten films. A staggering variety of entries were received, from filmmakers as far afield as Germany, Canada, Hungary, India and Brazil. The variety of styles, subjects and ideas expressed in these, the shortest of shorts, was once again mind-boggling. The wit, originality and verve of the entries will make the job of this year’s judges a tough one...

The winner will receive a cash prize of £3000, and worldwide online exposure through the DepicT! web site, the Orange World portal and LOVEFiLM.COM, as well as a full distribution deal with the Dazzle Short Film Label. PLUS, a free marketing and website package from digital media and design company Emak Mafu.

As well as the DepicT! Award there is also a special audience prize – the Orange DepicT! 2005 Audience Award – which is voted for by the public. The winner of the Orange DepicT! 2005 Audience Award will take home a top of the range mobile handset, other Orange prizes and a free 6 months membership to LOVEFiLM.COM.

Write your own reviews & Vote for your favourite DepicT! film... Short-listed entries are now posted online on http://www.depict.org, http://www.lovefilm.com and Orange World. Tell us what you think of the DepicT! 2005 films and see if others agree... To vote for your favourite film, you will simply need to text the appropriate text code to 2472 (restricted to Orange customers only) or head for http://www.lovefilm.com where you can vote online. The winning film will be screened at Brief Encounters, the 11th Bristol International Short Film Festival, (23-27 November) – the UK’s largest short film festival – on Saturday 26th November (http://www.brief-encounters.org.uk)

Last year’s DepicT! co-winner Oliver Manzi, director of winning film Non-Fat, explains: “Winning the jury prize at DepicT! was both great and unexpected. The win led to distribution deals with Interfilm Berlin and Dazzle UK, and both Canal+ and Studio Universal bought the rights to broadcast my short. I also received funds from the British Council to finance a 35mm print which was screened at the Curzon Soho Cinema in London alongside the feature Old Boy. It was short-listed for a number of film festivals worldwide, won the Audience Award at Clermont Ferrand, and was released as part of the Experience 01 DVD distributed by Reperages in France.”

Stephen Scott Hayward and Alex Kirkland, co-directors of Le Cheval: 2.1, which won in 2003 agree: “Winning the competition was fantastic as was the response following it. We have got a distribution deal with Dazzle films, the film has been broadcast on BBC3 and we appeared at Aspen shorts fest. There was something wonderfully surreal about being flown to America to show our 90-second short alongside the cream of the short film world, bizarre!”