2 sec's of flipin out

here is the best one yet:

so I get asked to help out some UBC Film Students on there week long shoot so what the hell why not right.. NOT never again what a bloody gong show, I have never seen a shoot so mest up in all my life.

So I walk over to the director and ask him what year he is doing at the film school LMAO 3rd year . hmmm what about the rest of your crew, Oh they are all finished hmmmmm

so last night I get a call at 11pm no big deal I am used to getting calls from production offices really late, BUT dont send me a call sheet that says be on set at 10am BUT the loacation may change.

and to top it all off I am not driving right now so the deal was I will do your FX and Props only, Only if you get a shuttle for me from home to set and back again... how fast did it take them to change there mined on that Oh about 10 sec after they got off the phone with me, so it was Bus there Bus back home and no pay at all.

Thank god I will never have to work for them again Arrrrrgggggg

Ok I am happy again had my 2 sec's of flipin out :lol:
All I know is its over....

Its like this short film I did for this Director a few years back, a week long shoot I was the Props Master, SPFX and Stared in his film Worked are ass off, every one did.

The Director of the show has a TV show and said that all of the crew would get to work on his TV show, so we say Wooohooo right on we will get work for one year at full union rates, good deal for a one week shoot for this guy, Party comes and goes I phone him at his production office a week after we wrap out of the short film, get him on the line ask him when the shoot starts he says........ in a week so come on down and drop off your resume to the PM ok no big deal I drop it off to him...... a few says latter they are keying up for there show so I call... Director of the show says..

what do you think I can do about getting you onto the show I am just the Director, John its up to the PM to get you the job not me....

"WHAT" I think..

talked to Sebastian Spence over a coffee a year after that he said that Union Directors are all the same get you to work your ass off for them on there little films then Fook you over..

said that if you do this get them to sign on paper that they will give you a job on there next show, so if they do back down saying No I Dont Know That Guy... then walk in with the signed paper and drop that on the PMs desk with your resume....

fook me no fook you
Hey, just a thought, but maybe these people have given you an incredible gift. They let you realise that you are worth more than that, that you know better than them how to run a shoot and how to deal properly with people.

This is all great news, because it means you're ready to find people to work with who are better than that.

Oh, and about the guy who lied to you. In the end he'll lose. In this business, the only thing you have of any value is your reputation. I know that integrity is the key to making things happen, because people love working with people who treat them well and fairly. In the end, he'll never build a team of highly skilled freinds and allies, who would move heaven and earth for him and that's punishment enough.
hmmm no he is still working, as for me last paing show was blade 3 then it was on to helping friends out on there shows for free then helping out some students then a gong show....

still not working and its starting to piss the wife off, I may have to go and work at Mc Ronies