1st Documentary questions

Hi everyone

I'm a graphic designer from South Africa who has thrown himself into the deep end here :)

I'm helping some people put together a documentary on a historical figure with a enormous contemporary influence. They have started on the project and has put something together but I decided to offer some help and advice due to the fact that I don't think they utilized the medium efficiently enough. I've never produced any documentary or even home movie but I do watch them regularly (I have a insatiable thirst for information). So I have a general idea how to approach the subject.

Anyway. To get to the point, or questions rather:

- I need to know what the Internet Archive's video footage really allows a person to do. This is a commercial production so would it be safe to use parts (or clips) of some of the videos there? I know some are not allowed for commercial purposes but there are a lot that has no restrictive license as far as I can tell.

- Does anyone know where I can find old footage from Apartheid South Africa? Who should I contact (national archive institute I assume). I've tried googling around but I don't really seem to find anything useful.

- What are the fees involved in using such clips. I've seen them numerous times but I always wonder where and how they got them.

- There is a lot of world wide situations covered in the DVD: From World War 1 and 2, Vietnam, Chernobyl, Gulf war, 1994 elections in South Africa etc. Where can I find footage at reasonable rates - or even free |(if that is possible).

- The program we are using is Sony Vegas Studio 10. Seems to be a good enough for the purpose. I would like to know if there is anything someone can suggest that would be great additions in the production of this documentary.

- Finally, music and soundfx. For music I have found ibaudio.com. They have a limited but pretty nice selection! Any other suggestions?

Finally I have to add that this is a VERY limited budget production. I've researched some ways to approach it as efficiently as possible within the limited financial scope.

If all goes well they might have plans for a few other titles. I'm not complaining. Its a whole new world opening up for me :)