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15th Pusan International Film Festival Oct7-15

15th PIFF International Participants Guide October 7th - 15th 2010
Warm greetings from the 15th Pusan International Film Festival(PIFF)!

From October 7th to 15th 2010, PIFF will open its door for the 15th season. 2010 Asian Film Market, Pusan Promotion Plan(PPP), Asian Film Academy(AFA), Asian Cinema Fund(ACF) and Busan International Film Commission & Industry Showcase(BIFCOM) sponsored by Busan Film Commission(BFC) will also take place during the festival. The 15th PIFF offers free festival badges to international participants and press who wish to participate in the festival.


l Participant : Person who is working in the film industry, festival, commission or organization, and etc.


l Festival Badge(for participant) : Download and fill out the application form and send via e-mail or fax

[E-mail accredit@piff.org | Tel 82 51 747 7357 | Fax 82 51 747 2094]

▶ After examining the submitted documents, we will send Accreditation e-mail to who are eligible for.


l Participant Application : September 11, 2010

Use of Festival Badge

l Festival Badge for Participant

- Access to maximum of 4 film-tickets per day

- Access to press screenings (upon availability of seatings)

- Access to PIFF Center, Guest Lounge and opened official events

(except for opening & closing ceremony, invitation-only parties and

sales office and official events of the Film Market)


l Participant who has been issued Festival Badge for the past 3 years needs to fill only the selected categories in the form.

l Lost or damaged Festival Badge is reissued with a charge of $20. Fees are only accepted in cash (won or dollar) on the spot.

l To Request for the badge for the Film Market (charged), please refer to the website http://www.asianfilmmarket.org

Festival Badge for Participant : Hospitality Team
CHUNG Haeyun (Foreign Participants Coordinator)
Tel 82 747 7357 | Fax 82 51 747 2094
E-mail accredit@piff.org