Derek from Indie Rentals here.
Indie Rentals is a Red/DSLR/3D camera house in Hollywood California.
We carry the Red One, Mysterium -X, Sony EX-3, Canon 5D and 7D and the brand new Panasonic AG-3DA1PJ 3D camera.
We are offering Indie Talk members 15% off on camera rentals over $1000.
Offer expires on October 31, 2010. more significant discounts are possible with more significant orders...
We will meet or beat any rate from a rental house..and we can ship...
So feel free to contact us
Call 323-465-7700 or email
Indie Rentals is a Red/DSLR/3D camera house in Hollywood California.
We carry the Red One, Mysterium -X, Sony EX-3, Canon 5D and 7D and the brand new Panasonic AG-3DA1PJ 3D camera.
We are offering Indie Talk members 15% off on camera rentals over $1000.
Offer expires on October 31, 2010. more significant discounts are possible with more significant orders...
We will meet or beat any rate from a rental house..and we can ship...
So feel free to contact us
Call 323-465-7700 or email