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watch 10th Circle

I think I may regret posting this here, LOL! But why not; getting critiques can be helpful. :)

This was my response to a project in my English class in high school. We have been studying Dante's inferno, and the task was to create a 10th level of hell, complete with a specified sin, a punishment, and a guide:

My sin is Drunk Driving..
My guide is someone who has a severe drinking problem and was involved in a crash,
My punishment is to take a road test after experiencing a dose of what it is like to be stuck in a wheel chair. If you fail the test, you return to the wheel chair. The first dose is used as a tool for the person to really try and pass the road test. I guess the ultimate guilt would be knowing you had a shot at passing it and getting out of Hell. lol

Now, before I post the links... I just want to explain. I tried to incorporate some local comedy into it. The guide is loosely based on my English teacher who is a crazy neurotic woman (not necessarily a drunk LOL) This is by NO means, professional, although I am proud that it sort of blew everyone else's projects out of the water haha! It is VERY VERY corny... which was a goal to begin with (especially towards the end, you'll see) The ending part was very rushed with filming. It was starting to snow, and we literally had 5 minutes to shoot. So, I tried to salvage what I could; the concept is the character passes the test, and is able to return to life, but the thought of her experience is always on her mind.

Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JXOT5eYguQ

Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCQhijzmaMY

I hope you like it! And please, rip it apart! Like I said, it's no where near professional. I'd love to hear some advice, or any questions you may have. :)
If you're as young as I think you are (teens, since you said high school), I have nothing but praise for you. That was funny.

If I had to give notes: Drink the beer and fill the bottle with water. It was capped. The only thing worse then that is drinking non-alcoholic beer on stage.
Haha! Yes, I am in my teens! And I thank you very much!

Yes- the bottle was capped. :) Even if we added water to it, it would look like the actor was drinking (the point though, right? LOL) but none of us are 21. I didn't want to get questioned about that and get in trouble, haha, expecially considering it had to be... "school appropriate". :) (It was bad enough we had a bottle in the car while driving and shooting! LOL) :D Thanks for the reply! I appreciate it! Any additional tips/advice/suggestions/etc you have I would love to hear!!
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