
Very nice website... looks cool. Only thing I'd lose is the 'gang' mention. Most 'clubs' do everything they can to avoid the label.
The reference to John Ford's cowboys is a misnomer. Pappy belive in values and real heroes, not "anti-heroes". A group of bikers killing themselves over "turf" isn't a reason to compare it to a "western."
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Both reasonable and valid points, I will raise them with the current creative team...

We are doing the hard sell though with the flick/story offered through the eyes of the bikers rather than the cops...

we're really going out there on this one, among the production are some pretty bankable ingredients and both clubs are under contract as consultants along with having dug up every other long lost arsehole.

The site has been up for some months now and both clubs have checked it out... no negative feedback yet. I'm sure they see it as a rather mischevious film to make, it's direction so far is a slap in the face of the establishment/powers that be.
The only point of contention within the production at the moment is the name
"Brothers In Arms"... especially now that there's another flick out there with the same name.
Our director favours, "Milperra"... he reckons that the name will gain the notoriety of the annual media fame... "Milperra Massacre" as they remind us here in Australia at least.
I just like the simple and dramatic... 1%.

I like your website "coolhandz"... I'll have to check it out a bit more...
Thanks man - I believe the 'biker' film genre is about to blast off again...can;t wait to see how your project comes along.
Out of thirty films on the shelf at Content Capital, distributors only want to talk about this one...
After five long years writing a script that'll please all parties, we're nearly there.

I've got a sitcom in good shape, kinda like Seinfeld but bikers... one of the major networks here offered me 20K to leave it with them. Martin Brown our films lead producer thought that it was the best thing he's read in ten years so I took it back and after our film I'll promote my sitcom and see.
I've got a few more tricks up my sleave.

I'm gonna do some major press about my projects when we get a sponsor for our film & website.

I want to link your site to mine www.zunico.com (on my contact page) I'll put something about my sitcom on my motion page when I get my logo finished and soon I'll place footage from a doco we aired on the (Australian) ABC last February, it's a doco about the progress of the film, we got close to a million viewers 9:30 on a Wednesday night, big numbers for Australia. I'm gonna put the doco up to sell DVD's, maybe generate more money, Australia has a poor industry.
My site will be up on www.netfm.net within a week. They have a big international audience of listeners, it should generate some interest.
(Mac's will have some trouble downloading NetFM but I'm going to see the owner tomorrow to hassle him about that... they are about to refurbish their site and add some expensive DJ's next year.)

If you would like any further information coolhandz... contact me through my site.

Hope this works out for you, looks like an interesting project. Could be another "Chopper" for the Aus film industry.

I think you're right to push for "1%" as a title "Milpera" didn't mean anything to me and I guess you'd like to make sales outside of Aus., where "Milpera" isn't even a word.

"1%" I understood, having read Hunter S Thompson's book "Hells Angels" any number of times.

Maybe you can cut a compromise with the director, title the film "1%" and subtitle it "The true story of the Milpera motorcycle massacre."
I just came back from photo work for a commercial website... gotta get money somewhere... ... ... I just started to drink, I'll surely faint soon while tomorrow I have to work on the sales pitch to a major booze company for the 21st of this Month. The first booze company we pitched it too was shocked at the prospect of being a sponsor on such a flick... so here we go...

Thanks Clive for your sentiment

Me and the director have to compromise with Martin... There's a three way problem here... a book about the incident is called Brothers In Arms, Martin reckons that the book has sold over a few hundred thousand copies so we should tapp into that Market to start with(In Australia)... I think for a producer of his stature... he's being quite the woos/girl/nancy boy... too conservative...

But I'm getting to him... surely this flick will shit on Chopper... ... ... I reckon it'll nudge at Crocadile Dundee.
I'll get back to you some more Coolhandz, I did just reply an e-mail to you... didn't take much to knock me out last night. I just came out of my coma and I've got a big day in town with lawyers and promo people... I've got a bunch of cross promotional ideas going on while if I'm successful at the end of the day, I'm gonna celebrate my wifes birthday doubly hard tonight.

Hey clive were you refering to a film called Chopper that was made here in Australia or the show that was made over there in which the father and son team customised bikes?

My reply was about the film, we did ask the writer/director of the Aussie film Chopper to come work on our film (Andrew Dominik), he was very interested but already committed in LA to some Brad Pitt flick in progress.
Thanks Mr T...

I'd better tone it down for a while cause there's another production that wants to make the same flick, but we've got it covered legally, they don't have contracts with everyone like we do...

Things went so well today that I'm gonna get totally smashed tonight celebrating my wifes birthday.
I've got such a vengeance for the poverty that this industry has caused me for most of my life...