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  1. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Yeah, that's a fair point spinner. My reasoning is simply that in five years time other cameras that are far more technologically advanced by todays standards will be the same price as the DVX and therefore more likely to be bought. The main reason that I think this is because to me it already...
  2. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Who's the stupid bitch now!? Haha. Very cool. That does look great for indie footage, I'd love to learn to light like that. Are there any other informative lighting sights apart from the ones that you suggested to a guy in the "Lighting for someone who has never lit" topic? I get the basics of...
  3. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Hey Will, Got those screen grabs yet? I should be getting my HV20 tomorrow (woohoo!) just wanted to add to this little debate and ask some people whether they think that depth of field adapters are worthwhile. I'm not super concerned at this point but that may change as I start filming. Just...
  4. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    I'd guess that it's a bit of both because he mentioned "my biggest problem with it is the grain - not to mention it jumps and is terrible in low light." (Speaking of his Sony.) So if low light is a problem for you then HV20 isn't going to help.
  5. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    I've heard that the footage can be very similar under proper conditions with the HV20 and XH A1. However if I was you I would probably be thinking "do I/will I make indie films?" If you answer yes to this question buy an XH A1. If you answer no to this question, consider the HV20...
  6. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Haha, I'm with Clive and I'm going to stop arguing my point. All I meant to point out was with HD products storming the market, 1080p tv's already dropping to $1500, within a couple years everyone will have one. The transition is going to be like the transition from VHS to DVD. It took a while...
  7. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    I don't mean to trash SD cameras, I only mean to say that I don't see much future in them. Undoubtedly, the DVX100a & b are great cameras, but from my perspective, I can't see too many people still seeking out SD cameras half a decade from now. Also, I completely agree that there's more to film...
  8. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Haha, we will see. I think it will all depend on the speed at which high def televisions take off. With many new TV shows being turned to HD (and even plans for solely HD channels emerging in Australia soon) I really think that HD is going to hit harder and faster than any of us can imagine...
  9. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Yay! I'm learning! As far as the DVX goes, it really does sound great but I have absolutely no intention of shooting in standard definition. There is no future in it no matter what anyone says. I foresee three years left all up for the camera market (selling not producing) - and thats pushing...
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    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Thats for your input Matt. I must've phrased my first post poorly because you are the second person that assumes that I could afford a $3000AU camera up front. Trust me, I wish I could. I also forgot to mention that I'm Australian. Meaning any camera price in USA - double it. Australia has a...
  11. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Unless there is anyone else who has a better idea it looks like I'll go for the Canon HV20. Are there any work-arounds that are particularly useful when using this camera? (to Will Vincent) You say there's ways to beat the performance out of it, I'm interested as to how. I believe...
  12. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Haha, the debate begins. I must ask, why do you consider the Panasonic HVX200 to be preferrable to something of the XH A1 standard? From what I hear the XH A1 has some pretty wicked picture. However I have based most of my info on the reviews at Are there any solid reasons or is it...
  13. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Haha, , thanks Will. A few of your previous posts on this forum are kinda what got me interested in the HV20. From what you say, if it really does have the guts of an XH A1 then it'll be one beast of a little thing. I am interested in other people's opinions however. Also, what do we know about...
  14. T

    The Ultimate Camera Debate

    Hey everyone, To cut to the chase I have decided that I want to become an indie film maker without ever owning a camera before. I have never filmed anything before and for my first camera I want something good. As good as I can economically find at least. For starters, I don't want to dive into...