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  1. D

    watch Cosmonaut (16mm/Super-8) Short Film

    Hi everyone, I had completed this film at the end of last year and I'm about to submit to a few festivals. Any critiques would be most welcome at this stage. SYNOPSIS After a cosmonaut returns from a failed mission, he arrives to intense scrutiny towards the covert nature of his mission and...
  2. D

    Interested in Collaboration

    Yes, absolutely. I was meant to be posting a synopsis, which I haven't got around to, but I will post e-mail something soon. Does anyone use celtx screenwriting software?
  3. D

    Interested in Collaboration

    Excellent news! If you give me your e-mail address, I'll forward you a couple of synopses of a few ideas I have at the moment.
  4. D

    Interested in Collaboration

    Hi there. I for one would definitely like to collaborate with another writer as I'm trying to get directing experience as well as write, but alas, never have the time. I have a pretty good idea at the moment I would like to co-write into a feature-length script, so I'd be more than happy to...