Search results

  1. J


    We've enter 6 and been very lucky. We were selected 2 times. You really have to be picky about your festivals. Some are a total waste of time, not because they are small, but because they are so large. Our poor film didn't stand an ice cubes chance in hell at SXSW. There were 4000 or more...
  2. J

    Looking for Good Horror on YouTube and Vimeo

    Scoopicman, that was a great video. Thanks. I'll check out more of their stuff.
  3. J

    Trailer for Never Feed The Troll website
  4. J

    What's your dayjob?

    I work Grip/electric for film/video. Sports, political, Industrial, music videos, and features. I also produce my own films (NIGHT FEEDERS, NEVER FEED THE TROLL).
  5. J

    watch Parody Commercial.

    I give it praise and I'll add more praise to the way you invited opinions to your work. As long as you learn from your films, you are a true filmmaker. Kudos, my friend. I even sent it to some other film friends. They enjoyed it also. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking for more good stuff...
  6. J

    Never Feed The Troll

    My apologies. Didn't mean to post in wrong area. I hate spam or anything close and don't mean to sound like that.
  7. J

    watch Parody Commercial.

    That was great! Nice idea.
  8. J

    watch Pumpkin

    Hey man, that was pretty good. It kept my interest and the story was nice and simple. Very good.
  9. J

    Never Feed The Troll

    Moved to correct location.