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  1. J

    Film school is how you make it

    I would definitly agree that the word 'discredited' was the wrong word. My purpose of this thread was to make the fact known that film school IS a plausible option since most of the threads state that it is not. Currently I am studying a degree in Film Studies, where I will then proceed to...
  2. J

    Film school is how you make it

    I'm attempting to discredit the notion that seems to be plaguing discussion boards that Film school is a waste of time and money. As I said in my original thread, everyone is entitled to their own opinion... and just as I have my opinion on film schools, so do you. But I never said I was...
  3. J

    Film school is how you make it

    Alright... this debate about film schools has gone on long enough. I've read so many places that going to film school is a rip off for a number of reasons... 1. The teachers are losers and can't get into the industry so they teach 2. Its so bloody expensive 3. You can get the same experience...