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  1. J

    New Trailer With Post-Crowdfund

    Hi all! I've just released the trailer and post-production crowdfund for my film Property. You can find both here: I actually had a crowdfund for production not too long ago where we raised a third of our...
  2. J

    Upcoming film Property w/Sizzle Reel

    Ah yes, I see your point. I suppose because we always intended on producing this alongside the crowdfund (where significant information is given) we wanted to keep this more subtle - simply showing the emotion and threat that we wish to get across in our actual film. Would you say the below...
  3. J

    [Nov 12] What are you working on this week?

    Literally all my time this week will be spent on advertising my crowdfund/attending meetings with some execs and companies... but I won't do that here - pretty sure (from my limited knowledge of this forum) that ain't allowed. However, this is a sizzle reel of that film, hope that's still okay...
  4. J

    Upcoming film Property w/Sizzle Reel

    Hi all! Would love if anyone could check out our upcoming film, Property, on IndieGoGo. The campaign is going great and I'm just hoping to keep that going. I'd love any feedback and help in our crowdfund. Also, you'll find this on the page as well, I can happily show everyone our sizzle reel...