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  1. L

    Dunno how to take it: All my connections use me to ask my friend to direct?

    I've been directing since 2002 and have a decent line of work. I often bring my friend to set to help me on shoots. He has the look of a director (simple clothes, director hat, facial hair, etc.) He likes to recite a lot of facts from 1960s-1990s films. Maybe that's impressive? He just started...
  2. L

    Best way to get good green screen effect?

    Other than lighting? I can get a clean key using After Effects or even Premiere. However, it still looks "cut out" not like it's in the scene. The lighting matches well but I see this clear distinction between my subject and the plate/background Feels like I have to round the edges but it...
  3. L

    Director wants my connections to replace me with pop star girls?

    Me and my friend are both directors. I'm a director with a specialty in action and acting. He's a director that specializes in VFX. We've been working on a project for two years. Our plan was to make a small budget movie in Asia. I told him about a concept for a movie I wanted to act in and...