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  1. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    For the next one? I'm going to negotiate pay depending on my responsibilities. If I'm expected to do everything (produce, direct, shoot, edit), then definitely ask for more pay. I want to put in an agreed amount of hours per week, because before it felt like a full time job (which it should be...
  2. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    I'm going to do that for the next video for sure. Not this one, as it's nearing the end anyway. What about other stipulations, like working hours and days? Is that just assumed, or should that be within the contract? Also, when you're working for a client, do you think you're working FOR...
  3. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Whilst I agree with that to an extent, I think there needs to be a point where that needs to stop. At what point does it become less about the reel and more about the payment for services rendered? That's not rhetorical, I'm keen to hear your opinion as I've been mulling this over all day. I...
  4. S

    Directing & Assertiveness

    Ha, that's a fair point. I suppose if the end product is close to what you envisioned as a director, it doesn't necessarily matter how you got there.
  5. S

    Directing & Assertiveness

    I have been told I have a quiet authority. I guess people relate to being a good director with someone who is constantly putting their foot down. I've always seen directing as a filter towards a common goal, but people I know direct with a more of "I am God" approach. Swings and roundabouts.
  6. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    That's what I'm going to do. Also, now that they've introduced a contract into the fold, I'm going to demand a few things so I can safe guard me. No, just that they are my client. It's a very basic contract that says I will do work for them, and the footage belongs to them etc. ALTHOUGH, it...
  7. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    My partner has said on multiple occasions that they should be paying me more and that they take me for granted. My opinion is that no one should work for free, but I know if I turned down free work all the time, I wouldn't be making any steps towards making it a success. It's the nature of the...
  8. S

    Directing & Assertiveness

    I wanted to get peeps opinions about directing & assertiveness. I've been told a few times that people say I'm not assertive enough when directing. I've never felt I didn't achieve what I set out to do, but most of the time I'm working against forces that are more external (budget, time...
  9. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Well, we've done the shoots. Still have yet to edit. It got a bit tense before the second shoot that we planned, which was more of narrative to fit within the bands performance video. I was doing a lot of logistical stuff, because the lead singer just didn't have the time, and because I'm...
  10. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Good advice. I'm doing a performance video shoot with them next month, so if problems arise then, I will just say I don't want to be a hired hand and see where that goes. I'm fine with being told what to do to a certain extent. For example, if I'm the editor of a project, I understand that...
  11. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    I see cake. I eat it.
  12. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Hmm, what I mean to say is, that I want to create the best possible music video that I can, which simultaneously gives the band something they're happy with, and that gives me something that I am also happy with. I don't see these aims as mutually exclusive. Also, I'm up for collaborating. But...
  13. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    I had the same experience on the last music video with this band. The lead singer came in after I had edited something together and we worked on it as a team. I valued that input because I was at a loss of how I could edit the whole thing together, because I never planned for any of the footage...
  14. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    My personal goal is to build a portfolio that I am proud of. That shows me off as a serious director that I can then use as my calling card. I'm always up for collaborating and having suggestions thrown in. I'm not proud to the point where if it isn't my idea, I don't take it. But if my gut...
  15. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Nope. I know his ex-girlfriend (who is in the band) used to do photography. But it wasn't anything serious, she just considered it a hobby. A few times he's rated her skill in that area highly, though in my personal opinion, it's not something to write home about. So sometimes when a shot was...
  16. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    I understand for commercials, as all the suits feel like they need to make an input, even if it's a bad one. I've known friends who've done commercials for Coca Cola have this happen to them. I can also understand wanting their band portrayed in a specific way, but if 9 out of 10 of the...
  17. S

    Is it backseat directing?

    Hey guys, I'm currently in pre-prod for my second music video for a local band, of which I worked with them on my first music video. A bit of context: I contacted a local band and asked them if they needed a music video doing for them. They agreed, and I've been working with them for the past...