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  1. FreddyLongSongs

    Review for ‘Out of Character’ by Freddy Long
  2. FreddyLongSongs

    Which earns more money for you, Amazon or Vimeo?

    I disagree. I’ve watched plenty of nudity from indie films on Prime.
  3. FreddyLongSongs

    Which earns more money for you, Amazon or Vimeo?

    I second this motion as someone who has a short film, An Hour Past Her Time, on Amazon and I earn pennies every quarter and got one sale. Selling physical will get you more money quicker. Thing is the market for physical sales is slowly shrinking. It only makes sense if you’re selling a feature.
  4. FreddyLongSongs

    Amazon Prime Video Removing Titles

    My short film, An Hour Past Her Time, is still up for now. Got to remember that it is expensive to store a lot of the content that’s being uploaded constantly. It might help that I have a Prime membership. Hmm
  5. FreddyLongSongs

    social-media YouTube giving creators $0

    I agree with YouTube. Advertisers don’t want their ads to end up on certain content. They’re protecting their bread and butter. I prefer Prime Video. However, I learned after posting my first joint on there is to invest in marketing and sell it instead of allowing prime members to view it for...
  6. FreddyLongSongs

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Inglourious Basterds and it’s a 10/10.
  7. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Trailer for Thriller “Out of Character”

    The Official Trailer for latest short film “Out of Character”
  8. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos The Eyes of IRMA - Freddy Long

    Fair enough. I may do that this week. Honestly, I need to know how dialogue will fit with the sound now. Are there any criticisms on the visuals?
  9. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos The Eyes of IRMA - Freddy Long

    Thanks. I will change out plethora and put a number. You’re right about the credibility thing in a documentary. However, the speed of the opening text, I purposely chose because I am subconsciously letting the viewer know it’s fast-paced. It’s a ride. It doesn’t go dead silent at 1:45. It’s...
  10. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos The Eyes of IRMA - Freddy Long This isn't the final version. I need the narration plus it isn't the best quality, YouTube compressed it. Just want y'all opinions. It is unlisted so please don't share it because I will be submitting to festivals first.
  11. FreddyLongSongs

    cinematography Who plays the greater role in determining how a film is shot - the director or DP?

    I won’t say terrible, you can check him out on IG at @globalfilmz but from what I see, it’s like any other video. I’ve grown to like natural light with contrast that has a documentary style to it. That’s what my gf described my style as. Paul Greengrass, Wally Pfister, etc. I concur, it was a...
  12. FreddyLongSongs

    cinematography Who plays the greater role in determining how a film is shot - the director or DP?

    You watched my short? I ask because you describe it perfectly I am not against DPs, just can’t afford one now. Definitely, in the future of this career I know. I take partial blame because I didn’t have a storyboard, it was rushed, left my shot list, etc. However, I followed him on IG...
  13. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Micro Short - Nouvelle Fumée (New Wave Smoke)
  14. FreddyLongSongs

    [June 4] What are you working on this week?

    Nouvelle Fumée (New Wave Smoke) is an ode to Jean-Luc Godard and the French New Wave. I literally filmed this yesterday, got off early and edited this afternoon. Subscribe to my YouTube channel.
  15. FreddyLongSongs

    cinematography Who plays the greater role in determining how a film is shot - the director or DP?

    On my first short, I paid for a DP. I did it all wrong. I wasn't assertive enough and did not know what I was really do. He shot it at 30 fps and I deferred too much of the vision to him. I was more of a producer because I was conscience of time since I was paying hourly. $75/hour!!! So, I...
  16. FreddyLongSongs

    South Florida - Short Film Festival Collaborators

    We can connect. I'm getting ready to start pre-production for my last short.
  17. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos Fissure: Short Film

    That was dope! Bravo! Like everything about your film was good, Mr. Paul Wright. I recommend you put it on Prime Video too. Since you're in the UK. Here's a link to my short film since it's available in the UK right now. Please review and rate it.
  18. FreddyLongSongs

    archived-videos FLS Films Presents iLASH Queen Birthday Party I just shot some clips and made a thing of it. A one minute film. Follow me on Instagram @FLSFilms
  19. FreddyLongSongs

    Is YouTube killing Filmmaking?

    Can be always work for Alphabet.