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  1. S

    Should I take a screenwriting course?

    If you can find the right course, run by the right person then go for it. It can only help hone what you already know. But don't just sign up for any course, get recommendations and do your research or you're just wasting your time and your talent. And aim for one that's not for beginners or...
  2. S

    Festivals and nipples...

    Ah, I read this post and for a split second was picturing shorts, as in shorts you wear, where your nipples were on show and it brought up some alarming images...
  3. S

    Spectre: Discussion

    I loved that opening scene and felt that this was going to be really good but while I did enjoy it, it didn't quite hit the mark. Also, I completely understood the plot, which may sound a bit odd but usually I don't quite get what's going on but everything else makes up for it and I walk away...