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  1. S

    Creating a practical "green glowing orb" effect

    I've ordered an orange salt stone lamp. I'll try and combine it with that smoke trick and see how it goes. Thank you
  2. S

    how to capture audio - live acoustic guitar

    If it's still any help, you'd only need one decent condenser microphone if it's literally just an acoustic guitar, two if there is a vocal as wel. The sound quality is going to mainly depend on the guitar's quality and the person's technique, as an acoustic guitar is a very dynamic instrument...
  3. S

    Creating a practical "green glowing orb" effect

    Hey, what if I were to take an alternative interpretation of these objects, where as in they do not glow but instead emit a persistant smoke (imagine dry ice), how would I best go about doing that?
  4. S

    Creating a practical "green glowing orb" effect

    Hello community, I am the director and audio guy for a short fan film set in the Stalker universe. I am looking for a way to produce a green (and also an orange) glowing effect that looks like it is eminating from an object on the ground. This is a reference from the video game: Green...