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    watch New doc series - Survivng Vegas A Buck At A Time

    Awesome! Thank you so much and let us know what you think!
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    New Series - Surviving Vegas, A Buck At A Time

    Check out Episode 6 - Cupid works with his daughter Kristen on Fremont Street!
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    watch New doc series - Survivng Vegas A Buck At A Time

    Episode 6 is awesome! Watch Cupid working Fremont with his daughter Kristen!
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    New Series - Surviving Vegas, A Buck At A Time

    I saw Confessions after we filmed our project. Thought it was interesting, but I am enjoying the originality and creativity of the characters in Vegas vs. Graumann's. Seems like most everyone there is either a movie star or a super hero. We have topless nuns! Plus, Graumann's is such a small...
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    New Series - Surviving Vegas, A Buck At A Time

    Greetings all! I am the producer of a new reality series called "Surviving Vegas, A Buck At A Time." In it we follow an eclectic group of people who dress up as bizarre characters; and, solicit tourists for tips to take photos of them on the Las Vegas strip and downtown Fremont Street. Please...
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    watch New doc series - Survivng Vegas A Buck At A Time

    Greetings all! I am the producer of a new reality series called "Surviving Vegas, A Buck At A Time." In it we follow an eclectic group of people who dress up as bizarre characters; and, solicit tourists for tips to take photos of them on the Las Vegas strip and downtown Fremont Street. Please...