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  1. E

    First draft of a short screenplay (five pages)

    I'm looking to get some feedback on the first draft of a screenplay I wrote. It's the first time I've written a screenplay as I'm usual on the technical side of things. I'm not looking for formatting issues; I'm sure there are plenty and I know I shouldn't include camera moves, but because I...
  2. E

    Blue is the Warmest Color

    A couple days ago I decided to watch Blue is the Warmest Color. Really didn't know much about what to expect, knew it won the Palme d'Or and I had heard about the explicit sex scenes, but not much else. Initially I liked it, I felt it dragged at times but felt very real. After a few days to let...
  3. E

    How does this idea end?

    Hi guys this is my first post here I've had this idea for a short for a little while, it's about a girl who is fed up with her repetitive suburban life and decides to runaway into the country. She reaches her destination, a house owned by her family that she knows will be empty, but soon...