Search results

  1. Kostas Gogas

    Searching for a Distribution budget breakdown

    Searching for a film distribution budget breakdown. Common percentage of marketing, film copies, delivery etc. Any info?
  2. Kostas Gogas

    Best SFX / FX Work on Low Budget Film?

    Searching any movies with exceptional FX work despite their low budget.
  3. Kostas Gogas

    How many people decide what movie they will see before attending the theater?

    I try to find any statistical data. The percentage of people deciding the movie on the spot versus them attending a theater playing the movie they wanted to see. Thanks for the help in advance
  4. Kostas Gogas

    How do you Keep Your Investors Happy?

    When you have take money to produce a film, how do you manage expectations for your investors? How do you focus in the work rather than trying to make them happy (even if that's your job too)? Do you think it's best for low budget films to have experienced film investors or just anyone with the...
  5. Kostas Gogas

    If you have sold or option your screenplay can you enter a screenwriting competition?

    If yes - say you win a cash prize: is the producer entitled to a portion of that?
  6. Kostas Gogas

    What is the 'official' Checklist of a Director?

    When you work as a director what are the things expected from you and in what order? I mean like: Script Breakdown Develop Concept Art with Concept Artists Develop Storyboards with Storyboard Artist .. if you know any article talking in more depth about each step it will be cool.
  7. Kostas Gogas

    Do you decide the market / distribution channel before completion?

    I think the title says everything: Do you decide the market and distribution channels before or after the completion of your film? (I am new here, feel free to advice me for any improper use)