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  1. B

    What do you like end credits to look like?

    I always found the end titles to be the last taste of your film that you give to the audience. Therefore, it's an entirely subjective/creative choice. Most films today, usually just only show the cast and crew. Some like to be more fancy with it than others, devising abstract backgrounds and...
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    watch A film worth your time... maybe?

    Thank you, again, everyone. I found that feedback to be very humbling as well as enlightening in a way, as it gave me a fresh perspective on things, about not always having to worry about sending a message and what not. So thank you very much. Answering gorillaonabike's question, about what I...
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    watch A film worth your time... maybe?

    Thank you for the feedback directorik. Very informative, and I appreciate that you took your time to watch the whole thing. Honestly. Thank you for that. Making this movie, it was really just me doing the sound and camera and directing, so it was practically impossible for me to decently control...
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    watch A film worth your time... maybe?

    Thanks for watching and the feedback! Looking back, I would've shot the introduction much differently, but besides the intro, which parts would you've cut down of get rid of? Or do they just all require trimming in general?
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    watch A film worth your time... maybe? Hey there, this is approximately a 15 minute short film which goes a little deeper into the psychology of why we do things the way we do in certain high adrenaline situations... say in this case, a house intrusion. Well maybe as a short film it just...
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    Piano composer searching for projects

    I would love to work with you on a project I recently wrapped! Is there an e-mail I can reach out to you with?
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    Copyright on fonts used in film credits?

    You're fine with any of the fonts included by default in your operating system. If you're really worried and want to make sure you get 100% commercial and royalty free fonts, go to All their fonts are free and you can use it for whatever you want.
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    Comparing Premiere Pro vs. Sony Vegas Pro

    If you can handle the pricing, I'd definitely stick to Premiere. It's more reliable than Vegas Pro and has the quick link to After Effects and Speedgrade and what have you.
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    One Shot Interrogation Scene

    I like harmonica's suggestion but answering your question, really have no budget, I mean I'm doing this in our photography lab so I do have some quality gear. I have some good can lights that I have that I'm thinking about using. Does that answer your questions?
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    One Shot Interrogation Scene

    I am making a short advertisement/sketch for my school to promote our yearbook, and the entire sketch involves a simple interrogation scene between a mysterious figure whom you can only see it's silhouette, and an innocent kid. The kid is sitting at the table the whole time while the...
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    My most recent score is available to download for free

    Very swell job mate! They were very atmospheric and intimate (if that makes any sense) :) .
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    Editing first screenplay

    Well you would probably want to spend some time around some kids that age in order to get a feel for how they talk. Which could prove to be a challenge depending on your circumstances. Anywho, remember, a good rule for dialogue is to keep it short and simple. People in the real world don't speak...
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    Tips for Rehearsing

    Thank you very much sir! You were very helpful!
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    Tips for Rehearsing

    So say I'm shooting the entire film at my house, or any location for that matter, I would want to go through practically the entire script as if we're shooting it, but minus the camera and audio. Did I understand that correctly?
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    Tips for Rehearsing

    Ahh okay, that's kinda what I thought. I was thinking that maybe one should rehearse the entire scene with the actors acting, but is that more for when you do multiple takes?
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    Tips for Rehearsing

    So I have a question regarding, in general, on set rehearsals. What are the different kind of rehershals one would use on set (or if there's only one kind just talk about that) and when, as well as how much those types should be rehearsed. Much thanks!
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    audio synch Premiere Pro CS 6

    Merging clips by audio is in fact not available in Premiere Pro CS6. That feature is only available in Premiere Pro CC. To make it easier to sync audio manually, make sure you have some sort of beep, or clap, or some sort of loud, distinguishable noise while you are recording the audio and...
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    Recording Sound for a Phone Call

    So I have this scene where the main actor is talking to someone on the phone, who isn't visually there during the conversation. What's the best way of going about recording the audio for this scene? Should I have the voice on the other end be a voice over added in post? Or should I have the...
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    Music composer looking for experience

    Hey, that's awesome to hear man! Just in case you didn't get notified, I sent you a PM to see if you might be interested in helping with my project!
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    Holding A Casting Call

    I'm looking to hold a casting call at my high school to try to find any promising actors from the pool of students. These are a lot of questions I know, and apologies in advance, but what are the basic steps to set a casting call up? Or more specifically, once I have one set-up and get people to...