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  1. B

    Student needs clip to score

    Well I am a songwriter primarily, I can emulate the styles of other artists effectively as well as competently write in a number of styles independently. I've written orchestral arrangements in the past, but I don't have any I can show you. I can direct you to my soundcloud to hear my other...
  2. B

    Student needs clip to score

    Something original would be better, so there are no preconceptions about the score. I'd prefer not to do popular film if I can help it.
  3. B

    Student needs clip to score

    Anything will do, but it has to be relatively recent. I'm studying at the institute of modern music, so I'd rather score for something within the past 15 years. And in order to get the full experience I guess it would be better to have SFX and/or dialogue Prelinger Archives are awesome, theres...
  4. B

    Student needs clip to score

    I'm studying a degree in professional musicianship, and need to score a 3 minute piece of film for assessment. If anybody has anything lying around that they could send me I'd really appreciate it :)