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  1. Peter Chapar

    Teaser Trailer for New Short: sunshine

    Check out the trailer for our new short that we are releasing this Thanksgiving. Feedback and comments are welcome and appreciated. if the link doesn't work for you here is another: If you...
  2. Peter Chapar

    My First Reel: 8 student films in 2 minutes

    thank you for the advice with linking, chimpphobia, I've actually never posted to a forum and reasons like that are part of the reason. anyway very good too know I'm glad you liked the reel though. I can understand if the song seems strange to anyone but I felt only MF DOOM could communicate...
  3. Peter Chapar

    My First Reel: 8 student films in 2 minutes

    I don't know if the link worked so here's the url anyway:
  4. Peter Chapar

    My First Reel: 8 student films in 2 minutes

    This is the first reel I've made. It consists of scenes from of my short 8 films from 2012-2013. I made it mainly so that my next reel shows a vast improvement. Anyway, I think it turned out pretty well and I hope you enjoy it. Feedback and constructive criticism is, of course, welcome but I...