Search results

  1. geminii23

    Capsized - Short Film

    Hey everyone! So we have made a lot of progress with our short film Capsized! I am so grateful to have some really talented people involved with this project. We are in pre-production and also launching a Kickstarter campaign. For anyone that would like to know more about our journey please...
  2. geminii23

    Hello from Los Angeles

    Hi everyone! My name is Brandon and I am an indie film maker! Would love to connect with people on the forums! Thanks.
  3. geminii23

    Seeking experienced DP for short indie thriller

    Hi everyone, I am seeking an experienced and passionate Director of Photography for an ultra low budget independent short film. We currently have two great SAG actors attached, a great music producer/composer and have secured one of the two locations needed for the project. Primary location...
  4. geminii23

    Need Advice on Contracts with Co-Written Script

    A friend of mine and I co-wrote a short script. The idea and first three drafts were mine entirely. His part was to help with revisions and clean up. He worked on two sets of revisions and overall the changes were not drastic but the script is tighter and dialogue a bit better in spots. He...