Search results

  1. J

    Fascinating, what a difference just lighting makes

    Yep, that's exactly right. Every single item has been chosen and placed right where its colour, shape, and size will blend with, and add to, the whole composition. Brilliantly done, actually. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't see just how much work went into that scene. I guess that's...
  2. J

    Grammer correction....

    No comma in "commas". No comma in "caps". The vast majority of words which end in "s" don't need a comma, strange as it may seem... ;)
  3. J

    Tarantino very, very depressed :(

    So, that means there'll be one less Tarantino movie? What's not to like about that?
  4. J

    Tarantino very, very depressed :(

  5. J

    My script sucks, yet I'm filming this summer help?!

    "I can't call it quits unless I want to fck up my entire reputation". And what if you're right and your script really does suck? And what if all those people find out later that you "knew" it sucked, or at least that you had serious doubts about it, but you went ahead anyway and used their time...
  6. J

    How To Write A Micro Budget Sci-Fi Feature Film

    Yes!! If the OP is going into this project with concerns about VFX uppermost in his mind, he's finished before he begins. You have to tell a story first. If it must have sci-fi elements, they'll come out in the story, if it's interesting enough. "The Man From Earth" was simply a bunch of...
  7. J

    Who Would You Rather See In A Movie?

    I can answer that question with one name which covers both categories.... Robert Duval.
  8. J

    Good eefning

    This is the one.
  9. J

    Good eefning

    Hi, Steve. I can't find the thread now! But I think Chimpphobia had a post in it. Dang! Somebody said they were looking all over the virtual sets, spaceships particularly, and someone else suggested it would be better to build a set in their garage. Can't find it now...
  10. J

    Good eefning

    Hi... ChimpPF. :)
  11. J

    Good eefning

    Hello there. I found this forum while searching for virtual sets... and found a post by I can't remember who, about building a real one in the garage, instead of using CGI. Not that I have anything against CGI, (I have a truckload of programs), but I think the practical approach can be much...