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  1. G

    Music-Star Wars

    Hey Indie Film Makers! I am in a bit of a delema. I am working on a Star Wars spoof for my digital moviemaking class. I would like to use some of the music from the movies. I can not get the soundtracks because there is not enough time. Is there anywhere that I can download them for free...
  2. G

    Lighting for Green Screening

    I understand the process of greenscreening in its basic concept. I will be attempting my first film which utilizes the green-screen effect. In regards to lighting: What kind of light should I use? -Hard light so there is a deffinate contrast between charactor and background? -Soft light? What...
  3. G

    Blood-Explosion Packs

    Hey Fellow indie film makers! I am working (previsualization stage) on a short film. It will involve a sniper and a victim. I am considering using the exploding blood packs. Is it possible for me to get my hands on some? Also are they expensive? Another thing to consider: I will not be...
  4. G

    Pro-Film Look

    I posted a this thread already. But I wanted to post it here as well: I am working on a music video for school right now. I do not have a great understanding of the technical aspects of making movies. I have only had some basic training and about two years of practice. I am trying to emulate...
  5. G

    Cinemotography In Movies

    What are some of your favorite movie moments with great Cinemotographpy? Mine is a scene from Contact were the little girl runs to get her dad's medication. We see her running down the halway and then realise that this was a reflection from a mirror.