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  1. C

    Recommend me a camera plz plz plz

    First off, a camera is simply a TOOL to do a job. So know what you will be using it for. 1. Will you be shooting for MONEY, or for a hobby? This is the first thing that you need to ask yourself. 2. I would go down to your local Pro video rental shop if you have one in your area and look at...
  2. C

    Don't fall into the trap.

    Most film makers aren't faced with the task of trying to convert a wonderfully told Novel into a screen play and then into a movie. Most are trying to write their own stories with decent material. My point is that many indie film makers want to just get the camera rolling and overlook the...
  3. C

    Don't fall into the trap.

    I could create a list of things Indie film makers don't put enough effort in, but the biggest thing that stands out to me is how little focus is ever on the actual story "screen play." You don't need a wild yarn and huge budgets to write a good story. They master Rod Serling is one great...
  4. C

    If a director asks if you believe in doing nude scenes, what should I say?

    Do you believe it's OK to do nude scenes? YES, OR NO. It's really that simple. Either you have morals, or a price. It's up to YOU on how you respond to a director asking you that question. However, I'd be sure and read your scripts carefully before audition for a part.
  5. C

    Don't fall into the trap.

    With all the talk and obsession on cameras, lenses, lighting, special effects, budgets etc, I see many are forgetting the NUMBER 1 most important thing. We are simply STORY TELLERS. The "GEAR" is simply a tool to do that just as a pen is to a writer. I see so many "film makers" spending...
  6. C

    Hello everyone

    Just stepping in to say HI and introduce myself! Glad to be here.
  7. C

    A reminder to ALL Indie film makers

    Posted in the wrong thread. Sorry