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  1. brian_screenplayreaders

    Advice on Fight/Action scene

    The way you wrote the fight isn't bad at all. In my line of work, we see a LOT worse. (In those "worse" cases, my recommendation is just to tell the writer "Write 'THEY FIGHT'" and let the director figure it out, because the writer is so obviously bad at writing fight beats, and there's no time...
  2. brian_screenplayreaders

    Script coverage

    Hi IndieFilming, this is Brian from Screenplay Readers, and we're still around, going on 15 years, and we're not going anywhere. Let me know if I can help with any questions that aren't already answered on our site. If you left us voicemail, please know we get a ton of voicemails per day...
  3. brian_screenplayreaders

    Writing Schedule

    I have a few different writing schedules. The first, I'm working with a collaborator on a new indie feature. We meet once per week, and that keeps things pretty damn fresh. The second, I'm working on my own new script, and I write as much as possible on it. Day and night. Whenever I can...
  4. brian_screenplayreaders

    Formatting Question

    Whatever you do, remember that CLARITY FOR YOUR READER is the #1 goal. INT. CAR - DAY Janis makes a right. EXT. INTERSECTION - DAY A SPEEDING SEDAN slams into her. BLACK All is quiet. INT. CAR - DAY As Janis opens her eyes. The loud chaos of fire engines and people clamoring to help...
  5. brian_screenplayreaders

    Making Drafts

    Drafts are just revisions of your screenplay. Get that page count below 100, for sure. Over 100/110 pages is a generally, not always, but generally a huge neon sign that says "Amateur!"