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  1. M

    watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

    Thanks for the feedback... Please do, would be much appreciated :)
  2. M

    watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

    Thanks for the feedback!! Yeah editing isn't my strong point but again this my first short so I will continue to work on it as well as with audio. I'm glad you enjoyed my performance as the main character. I did find it quite tricky at times to direct the other actors in each scene on top...
  3. M

    watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

    Will look into and do some research on both of them, but just having a quick glance they seem pretty good, thanks for the tip.
  4. M

    watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

    Thanks for the welcome and feedback man. Yeah we did have some audio problems and will definitely be looking into a mic. I did learn a lot from making this film, audio being the main thing and will take your feedback on board for the next project..:)
  5. M

    watch Bad Habits (Short Film)

    Hi guys, This is my first short film, 'Bad Habits' I would really appreciate some feedback on it... Thanks! My roles in this production were: Writer, Director, Editor and Actor.