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  1. M

    watch An animated pitch video for a live action movie

    This is how I'm trying to save my Kickstarter campaign for my new film DIAL 9 TO GET OUT. In the middle of the campaign, with tons of money left to raise, I spent about a week on this, which covers the first half of the movie. The animated video is enjoyable enough on its own. Hope you like it...
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    The world's first crowdfunded filmmaker comes back for more

    Hey all - So back in 1998, I accidentally invented crowdfunding for film. This happened with a website I launched in late 1997 for my first feature "Foreign Correspondents". I was deep in the red, and needed finishing funds, so I turned to the Internet for help. I knew back then that I was the...
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    Stories "starting on page 1"

    In a recent thread here, I noticed a couple people stating, very confidently, that a screenplay's story must begin on page 1. (This was in response to the poor writer whose story began on page 17.) Frankly, I think this is bad advice. But it did make me curious about how individual writers...
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    What Notable American Features Do NOT Use the Three Act Structure?

    Hi all - I teach Screenwriting Fundamentals on When my course launched, I read a comment somewhere from a well-meaning Italian who dismissed any course that would even mention the three act structure. (Obviously some people equate all 3 act movies with high-concept Hollywood junk.) I...
  5. M Screenwriting Fundamentals course FREE for many college students

    The course that I authored and presented, Screenwriting Fundamentals, is free for all students at the many universities that have campus-wide accounts. So if you're back to school and in a screenwriting class, you're welcome to take my course. called it "clear and...
  6. M

    New online screenwriting course at

    My name is Mark Tapio Kines. I authored and presented SCREENWRITING FUNDAMENTALS, the first-ever screenwriting course at (Some of you may already be familiar with Lynda's many tutorials, which range from After Effects and DSLR cameras to, well, you name it.) NoFilmSchool calls my...