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  1. J

    DSLR Or Video Camera?

    Sorry about late reply. Since being very busy with some other work. Now I have some time to finalize my kit and probably will buy during my Diwali vacation (Oct-Nov '13). I completely agree with your opinion. Light and Sound has own importance in the film. Can you and other expert also give me...
  2. J

    DSLR Or Video Camera?

    I have seen couple of review and videos and truly I just impressed with Black Magic camera and eager to test it once. Just wonder as the cost is only for body and will I be able to get all other required accessories and lenses within my budget?
  3. J

    DSLR Or Video Camera?

    I agree with your opinion. Actually I have been making 3d films and stil frames since 10 years and I do believe in lighting and other aspect of getting great frame. But camera features also can't be ignore so I am trying get maximum within my budget. Do you believe DSLR is the good choice? I...
  4. J

    DSLR Or Video Camera?

    I have gone through black magic camera overview for pocket and 4k pro one and both looks impressive by what they have mentioned. But it is hard to say until actually grab couple of shots. In fact little afraid to buy new brand as this is long time investment for me. You are right I am looking...
  5. J

    DSLR Or Video Camera?

    First, this is my first thread and you may find little weird English :P sorry for that.. I am planning to get new camera as since now was using rubbish DSLR Nikon D5000 camera :P yet been helpful to learn film making. I am now planning to get at least pro level camera to start to produce...